Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Inspiration: Charlotte Gainsbourg

I've been struggling all day to write this little piece. I'm finding it impossible to explain exactly what is so captivating about Charlotte Gainsbourg because it's almost too obvious. It's like trying to explain the color blue. It's just...blue. I'll try though, because I've always admired her personal style, in addition of course, to her many talents.

I think the main thing that I've been drawn to is that she seems like such a rare kind of "famous person". Maybe it's her European upbringing that draws the obvious line between Charlotte and her Hollywood counterparts, but maybe not (I'm looking at you Donatella). Whatever the cause, I love that she's not conventionally attractive, but undeniably beautiful. I also like that her hair is always sort of messy, and that her gamine figure is strong and tough. In fact, she seems very much composed of a bundle of contradictions. This of course is evident in her fashion choices as well, which are at once understated, edgy and classic.

Anyway, you be the judge. Although, how many women do you know that can look just as bad-ass in a couture gown as they look elegant in a pair of jeans? Yeah, me neither...

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